Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mea Culpa

Do we really have a purpose in life? i mean seriously tell me even from the most sane sheep among you do you think you have a purpose in life ?

Falling in being able to co-exist with each other we are huddled in a sea of humanity, bound by morals, values, compassion, understanding, respect, love for each other...?

Belief, faith, hope are like that puff of marijuana or the line of coke you snort, gives you fucking utopia, makes you feel so fucking good, you hope for something , keep faith in that hope of yours, then you start believing in it , thinking you are doing right, the best thing ? and then it pop's up inside your head, are you sure ?

But you don’t get it homie, there is nothing called good nor bad its just a variable you see, life and then death on the other hand are the constants, go seek them one is enslavement the other release...

I mean lets fucking face it , when you are in the arms of that special someone, as you look in her eyes what do you see pure love at that moment or lust ? Maybe its both maybe one is the shade of the other, don’t worry, don’t fear, let go .... you cant be judged for that, you have to have immunity to that remember....

Mea culpa, Mea Culpa ..

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